Way To Go Customer Testimonials

LINZ Biosecurity works that Way To Go Heli Services have undertaken on our behalf have been done so in a competent and professional manner. I have no hesitation in endorsing their services.
Tony Michelle
Managing Director
Amuri Helicopter Ltd

Environment Canterbury’s Northern Biosecurity team is extremely satisfied with the previous service provided by Way To Go Heli Services. We hope to continue our association with this company in the future.
Laurence Smith
Bio Security Team Leader
Environment Canterbury

Ground support and filling operations have been carried out in a methodical, tidy and well organised manner.
Kennedy Lange
Ranger – Raukapuka Area Office
Department of Conservation

Private Spa Lift
Kelly and Rob and the team were amazing with lifting a spa for us. Great service and support throughout the entire process. 

Flight Training
Huge thank you to Jono and the team at Way To Go for helping me to achieve my lifelong goal of obtaining my CPL. The training delivered by Jono was excellent, always super patient and explained everything in a way I could understand, and I feel well equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to become a safe and professional pilot. I will keep in touch and thank you again. 